high horse (99下~week11)

2011年4月24日 星期日

(1) idiom: high horse(自傲,擺架子)
(2) meaning:
A mood or attitude of stubborn(固執) arrogance(自大傲慢) or contempt(輕視)
(3) example:
Get down off your high horse and apologize(道歉).

apples and oranges(99下~week9)

2011年4月10日 星期日

( 1) idiom: apples and oranges (南轅北轍;完全不同,無法比較)(2) meaning:two entities that are not similar(相似)
(3) example:
Talking about her current(目前) book and her previous(先前) bestseller(暢銷書) is like comparing(比較) apples and oranges.