count your blessings

2013年5月17日 星期五

"Count your blessings" means "to think about the good things in your life, often to stop yourself becoming too unhappy about the bad things."

Eg. School children today should count their blessings. At least they're not beaten for talking in class as we were.

A bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush).

A bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush). means
something that you say which means it is better to keep what you have than to risk losing it by trying to get something better
Eg. If I were you I'd accept the money they're offering. After all, a bird in the hand...

on the brink of a (nervous breakdown)

2013年5月3日 星期五

on the brink of something: (brink: edge, verge)
if someone or something is on the brink of a situation, that situation is likely to happen soon.

eg. The country is on the brink of civil war.


2013年4月19日 星期五

"down-at-heel" means badly dressed or in a bad condition because of a lack of money.

eg. When I first met her she was down-at-heel but still respectable.
The play was set in a down-at-heel hotel in post-war Germany.

grit one's teeth

2013年4月5日 星期五

"grit your teeth " means
1. to decide to deal with an unpleasant or difficult situation. You may as well grit your teeth and accept that air travel is going to get worse before it gets better.
2. to deal with something in a determined way. When a test came along, I just gritted my teeth and studied harder because I knew I had to improve my grades.

take sth as gospel

2013年3月29日 星期五

to "accept/take something as gospel (truth)" means to believe that something is completely true.

Eg.You shouldn't accept as gospel everything you read in the newspapers.

be on cloud nine (非常開心)

2013年3月15日 星期五

"be on cloud nine" means to be very happy.
Eg. For a few days after I heard I'd got the job, I was on cloud nine.

Every cloud has a silver lining. 塞翁失馬,焉知非福

2013年3月1日 星期五

"Every cloud has a silver lining." -----something that you say which means that there is something good even in an unpleasant situation.  Eg.As the trip's been cancelled I'll be able to go to the match this Saturday. Every cloud has a silver lining.